Sometimes the strongest need a hug as well

We all know a few of these really strong people in our life. Those who can handle pretty much anything that is thrown at them. They can usually help others navigate through issues and roadblocks. But, sometimes those people need to be reminded that they are loved and for once have someone make it a priority to them smile again. Often that person may not even know why they are feeling blah. It is usually a combination of life events which can all be positive but overwhelming. These individuals are not looking for you to solve their issue, but rather just take their mind off of it for a second or help them think through a solution.  Just be mindful that during these moments of sensitivity, the normal joke may not be well received. That's ok and it isn't your fault. Just be in tune enough to notice the different effect and do something about it. It is also a wonderful opportunity to bond and become closer with that person. Being in a healthy relationship makes these moments wonderful. I am happy to be able to have a special someone that I know that can make me smile. I hope and pray everyone has that at some point.